Zoe pursues a unique level of personal engagement in her artistic endeavours, seeking a wordless connection to emotions that she carefully constructs through her characters and props. Her paintings are ambitious and celebratory depictions of women, rendered in vibrant colours and full of liveliness.

She has a penchant for drawing muscular and larger-than-life (literally) women amidst surreal landscapes, incorporating elements of sci-fi-style sunsets and 1970s tiles with a strong sense of design. Zoe skillfully combines various elements like hair-dos, breeze blocks, shoes, bombs, back alleys, and whips, often juxtaposed with tender scenes of mother and child. Her art aims to evoke a feeling of menace and threat while maintaining a delicate balance with a misjudged force.

Zoe is keen to continue exploring the theme of sexuality, which holds a significant role in her work, though she finds it challenging to express it in words. The response to her artwork varies greatly between males and females, presenting polar reactions. As she creates, Zoe is in the process of understanding the role she desires to portray within the theatre of sexuality.