WTF? A Conversation with Hannah Lim and Pictorum Gallery's Nicole Bainov

Nicole Bainov, Where's The Frame?, 27 March 2023


As a woman of mixed Singaporean and British heritage, Hannah Lim’s works explore the relationship between her two cultures, delving into how this has been reflected historically in furniture design, objects and architecture. Chinoiserie, an 18th century design trend, is a thread throughout her practice, integrating elements of both European and Chinese design, culture and taste into her works. Working mainly with sculpture and painting, Lim’s current works also analyse the way in which Classical Chinese literature focuses on enchanted creatures, objects and mythic storytelling. The resulting works are consequently a direct response to these texts, which are often coded with complex cultural meanings, and highlight a unique and highly personal storytelling that explores identity, femininity and culture. Nicole Bainov spoke to the artist about the ideas behind her recent body of work, the thematic references and her upcoming projects.


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